Payroll & HR Simplified
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Timekeeping Solutions


With unique options from our labor management solution, Timeworks Plus, we can help you reduce overtime expenses, manage employee schedules, keep you compliant with Department of Labor standards and bring it all into payroll to save you both time and money.

Keep yourself and your staff from getting overwhelmed and struggling with labor management, we can offer the flexibility of physical clocks, as well as web/mobile access customized down to the individual employee!

Now you can save time and take your day back with timekeeping simplified!

For over fifty years we have been helping small business owners manage their time better by managing their staff’s time better.

Welcome to Timekeeping Simplified

Timeworks Plus

  • Employee timekeeping
  • Time off requests
  • Time off accrual tracking


  • On-demand reporting 
  • Web, app and clock options 
  • Meal/break tracking
  • Overtime calculations 
  • Audit tracking
  • Multi-level timecard approvals 
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Timeworks Simplicity

Save time and money! All the feature of Timeworks Plus, and more!

Advanced Features

  • Schedule maintenance 
  • Schedule change notifications 
  • Schedule enforcement
  • Overtime management
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Timeclock Options

All options interface seamlessly with TimeworkPlus!

Mobile App

  • Offer flexibility for employees who need, restrict from employees who don't
  • Accurate GPS tracking of punches

Flexclock Z14

  • Use with Pin Number or Swipecard
  • Ethernet-based for real-time punch information

Timeworks Touch

  • Biometric option to eliminate buddy punching
  • Wi-Fi enabled
  • Supports customized rules for meals, breaks and schedule enforcement

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